Strategic Plan
Introducing True to Webb, our new strategic plan
Strategic planning is the ongoing, collaborative organizational process of documenting our school's intended direction. One significant benefit is that it creates a vision of the future that aligns with our leadership, Board, faculty, students, alumni, and other stakeholders. The written plan allows us to track progress and monitor ongoing needs and priorities for the future.
In support of these efforts, we are pleased to announce that Ian Symmonds & Associates will be working with our Strategic Planning Steering Committee as a consultant, helping to guide the process with their unique and collaborative methodology, distinct knowledge of independent schools, and a global perspective toward education. Ian and his team are the premier strategy consultants for independent schools in the country, and we are thrilled to have their partnership.
In service of creating a new strategic plan for Webb School, the Board of Trustees has formed a Strategic Planning Steering Committee comprised of current trustees, faculty, administration, parents, and alumni to lead the process. The committee's objective will be to work over the course of the next nine months to create a new strategic plan that will go into effect in August 2024. This committee represents a wonderful cross-section of strategic thinkers in the Webb community.
Strategic Planning Steering Committee Members
Mark Taylor, Co-Chair (Trustee, Parent)
Mike Brown (Upper School Faculty Representative)
Miller Callaway (Middle School Faculty Representative)
Amy Cathey (Trustee, Parent)
Annie Colquitt (Trustee, Alum, Parent)
Jennifer Cookston (CFO, Parent)
Meg Counts (Trustee, Alum, Parent)
Matt Kaye (Trustee, Parent)
Matt Macdonald (Upper School Head)
Jennifer Phillips (Middle School Head)
Ayaz Rahman (Trustee, Alum, Parent)
Lisa Stinnett (Trustee, Parent)
Abby White (Lower School Faculty Representative, Parent)
Christy Widener (Director of Admissions & Enrollment Management, Parent)
Kristi Wofford (Lower School Head)