Webb School of Knoxville
Webb School of Knoxville

Global Education

Stretching our boundaries.

We like to say the world is our classroom. The interconnectedness of the global community inspires students to be curious about our multicultural world and to dig deeper than simply acquiring a second language.

Webb School’s Global Education Program is a comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to understanding international concepts, cultures, and perspectives – fostering global competency and encouraging students to engage and respond empathetically to issues of international significance. We aspire to develop the skills, attitudes, and knowledge necessary for our students to successfully interact, thrive and lead in an increasingly globalized world.

International Center

The Coleman-Lange International Center brings together Middle School and Upper School language classrooms, creating an international environment where target languages are spoken in learning spaces that are designed and decorated specifically to reflect target cultures. A kitchen and eating space adjacent to the commons allows for cooking demonstrations, hands-on preparation, and sampling of international cuisines.

World Languages Grades Offered
Spanish Pre K - 12th
French 6th - 12th
Latin 6th - 12th
Mandarin Chinese 9th - 12th

We Believe...

  • Developing global citizenship is a key component to a Webb education

  • Developing a growth mindset is critically important as our students learn about themselves and their relationships with people around the world

  • A comprehensive, interdisciplinary approach to learning about global issues will develop the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for success in an increasingly interconnected world

  • Active, project-based learning that puts students at the center of their education will cultivate a mindset that empowers students to lead now and in the future


Global Competencies

Webb School aspires to develop within our students …

Experience Life at Webb

Go farther. Go further.