Webb School of Knoxville
Webb School of Knoxville

Diversity Policy

Webb's mission is to nurture each individual’s potential and prepare students to serve as leaders in tomorrow's world. This preparation emphasizes the development of critical, creative, and socially conscious thinking, a strong sense of honor and personal integrity, the ability to interact with others respectfully and productively, and the desire to contribute to the world community.

Webb students must develop an understanding of and appreciation for diversity in the world community. Diversity implies an understanding that each individual is unique and worthy of being accepted and respected.  We strive to be a safe place where we celebrate and embrace differences as well as commonalities. Webb believes that diversity in its school community enhances the school's ability to implement its mission. Through understanding different ethnicities, religions, beliefs, perspectives, and ideas, students develop the ability to think critically, to make informed judgments, to imagine, to grow, and to respect the individuality of others. We recognize that striving to be a diverse community is an ever-evolving imperative that requires empathy, dialogue, and self-reflection.

Webb strives to ensure that all students, school families, faculty, and staff feel included, valued, and respected. The values that anchor Webb's mission statement-honor, integrity, respect, and a desire to contribute to the world community-are integral parts of the school's attitude toward diversity in the school community. Webb aspires for its graduates to embody these values as they enter their adult lives, contributing to global society in positive and transforming ways, regardless of their chosen paths. Helping Webb students understand their connection to the world and to each other will enable them to achieve their highest potential and serve as inclusive, non-discriminating, and effective leaders.

Religious Expression Policy

The Webb School community is made up of individuals representing diverse cultural and religious  backgrounds, and we respect the varied traditions represented by our students, families and staff.  Webb is committed to providing opportunities to learn about differing traditions both within and  outside the educational curriculum. Respect for differences in ideologies and perspectives is part of 

We understand and value the fact that there are people with different faiths and religious perspectives as well as those who do not adhere to any particular faith tradition. While Webb is not affiliated with one form of religion or faith over another, the school supports a "faith friendly" environment in  recognition that for many students religion is an important part of their development and helps to 
provide a moral compass in a complex world.

Our goal is to create an environment that encourages students of various backgrounds to feel 
comfortable in sharing comments about their religious and cultural traditions, and we believe that this exchange of differing perspectives helps individuals to develop a better-informed world view. In an effort to promote this goal, the following outlines the on-campus parameters for religious expression:

  • Students may gather in informal groups or as recognized clubs for prayer, study of religious materials, or to engage in religious discussions. These gatherings or meetings may take place during free times in the school day or immediately before or after school.
  • All student clubs or organizations must have a staff advisor or an adult leader approved by the school administration. The advisor must be regularly in attendance at meetings. Only clubs with approved leaders will be permitted to have meetings on campus. .,
  • Students may not pressure other students to take part in these meetings nor exclude any student who wishes to take part.    
  • Students are welcome to make announcements or post notices of both on or off campus meetings.    
  • Webb community members may gather for student initiated prayer at sporting or other events.     
  • As has been the tradition at Webb, nondenominational prayers or selected religious music or readings may be offered at baccalaureate ceremonies, graduations; and other school events where customary or appropriate.